
Gatts Consulting

Contact Center Consulting

At Gatts Consulting, we understand the critical role that contact centers play in delivering exceptional customer experiences. We are here to empower your team with the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to excel in the world of customer service and support. Our Contact Center Training and Consulting services are designed to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of your contact center operations.

Contact Center Quality Assurance Program Design

Building a world-class contact center starts with a robust Quality Assurance (QA) program. Our experts will work closely with your team to design a customized QA program that aligns with your business goals and customer service objectives. From call monitoring and feedback methodologies to KPI tracking and reporting, we’ll help you create a framework that ensures consistent and high-quality interactions with your customers.


Interactive Presentations on Contact Center Topics

Our engaging presentations are designed to keep contact center agents and leaders stay up-to-date with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in the contact center industry. They include the following:

The Power of Service Recovery

Even the best businesses and service providers will occasionally make mistakes, encounter unforeseen problems, or encounter unhappy customers. Service recovery involves the process of addressing and resolving a customer’s complaint or concern in a way that satisfies them and preserves the customer’s loyalty to the business or service provider. 

This presentation discusses the importance of service recovery in contact centers and practical ways to implement this in their culture.

Duration: 90 minutes (includes Q&A)

Reducing Customer Effort

It is not uncommon to see customer satisfaction or net promoter scores as the top metrics within most CX strategies. While these are good metrics, you may find it surprising that they do not move the needle when it comes to customer loyalty. What customers want, more than anything else, is to make it easy for them to do business. In other words, the less effort customers must put in to get their issues resolved, the better their overall experience.  

This presentation discusses why reducing customer effort is more important than any other contact center metric.

Duration: 90 minutes (includes Q&A)

The Impacts of AI on Contact Centers

With organizations striving to contain agent costs, we will continue to see seismic shifts in the future of the service industry with the rise of generative AI systems, such as ChatGPT, and others becoming table stakes. This presentation discusses the impacts of AI on Contact Centers and what skills agents must invest in, to remain relevant in today’s dynamic work environment. 

Duration: 90 minutes (includes Q&A)

Mastering your customers’ love language

Just as our individual needs change when we go through life, the needs of our customers change too. The problem is that organizations do not bother to find out what their customers’ love languages are. They mistakenly assume that what got them here today, will take them into the future. 

But if history has taught us anything, there is a reason organizations like Kodak, Blockbuster, Nokia, BlackBerry, and Polaroid are no longer here. The sad part of this is that many of them were leaders in their industries. 

This presentation discusses why it is important to speak your customer’s love language and practical ways to do so.

Duration: 90 minutes (includes Q&A)

The importance of Coaching on Contact Center Performance (For Contact Center Leaders and Supervisors)

While having an effective quality assurance program is paramount to ensure agents are hitting key deliverables, they are not always sufficient in driving sustainable improvements in agent performance. 

According to the International Coaching Federation (ICF), a coaching culture is proven to be one of the most effective ways to increase employee engagement, enhance collaboration, achieve change management success, and improve both employee and team performance. 

This training is designed for contact center leaders and supervisors and covers the benefits of performance coaching to contact centers.

Duration: 90 minutes (includes Q&A)